Posts tagged body image
What Freedom Really Looks Like

FREEDOM is truly found when you realize that what your body looks like does not equal your level of health, success, productivity, beauty, sexiness, happiness, your mental health status, or who you are.

Read. It. Again.

We 👏🏻 Are 👏🏻 So 👏🏻 Much 👏🏻 More 👏🏻 I love this photo because it was taken on a day where I truly felt that feeling of freedom.

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Coming to Terms with my Rolls

Fat Rolls. *awkward silence*
We’ve spent pretty much our entire lives trying to make sure we don’t have any.
I’ve come to accept them, but it’s taken awhile. I like to call it body neutrality, honestly, because I’m not going to tell you that I always love them. But at this point in my life, for the first time ever I’m okay with the fact that these gushy, squishy rolls are here, on my body, no matter if I’m standing or sitting.

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The "F" Word

👉🏼FAT👈🏼 this is a word I have struggled with my whole life, ever since that dumb boy made fun of my “fat legs” in 2nd grade.

When the word FAT started being talked about more in the body positive community I had a really, REALLY hard time with it. I’ve been working on it. But this one word has probably been the hardest thing for me to be accepting of.

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You're More Than a Size

Hey girl, ever see something cute and think “nah, my body isn’t in shape enough for that yet.” 😳 I used to do that too. In fact, I used to be the QUEEN of that type of behavior.
Here’s the thing I finally realized though. Body love, confidence and acceptance isn’t about how much you weigh or what size you wear.

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Body Image // #Unretouched

When I was in middle school, I started noticing little red marks on my hips, thighs, boobs and arms. I figured out they were “stretch marks” - and to my knowledge and feeling, nothing about these marks were beautiful. I spent the next 15 years or so ashamed of them. I would obsessively workout my arms and go to the tanning bed, hoping it would help. I’d put makeup on my stomach and thighs before wearing a swimsuit in public.
Guess what? At my thinnest and lightest weight, they were still there and I did everything in my power to try and cover them up.

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