Posts tagged self respect
The "F" Word

👉🏼FAT👈🏼 this is a word I have struggled with my whole life, ever since that dumb boy made fun of my “fat legs” in 2nd grade.

When the word FAT started being talked about more in the body positive community I had a really, REALLY hard time with it. I’ve been working on it. But this one word has probably been the hardest thing for me to be accepting of.

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Self love. It isn't easy. And it isn't something I realized I had an issue with really, until the last year or so. I just figured that this was part of life, that I'd always be held back from being truly happy because I wasn't thin enough. Or smart enough. Or coordinated enough. I just thought... it is what it is.

You see... growing up, I can remember seeing people like Cindy Crawford and praying I'd look like her someday. If not her, then maybe Mariah Carey. If not her, then hopefully I'd at least have abs like Gwen Stefani or be as thin as Britney Spears. 

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