Beach Body Confidence // The Steps I Took

I’m not always super confident in this swimsuit but I wear it. I wear it because I deserve to rock a two piece just like anyone else. I wear it because I’m no longer trying to hide anything and I love my scars. And I wear it because it’s important to me that we NORMALIZE ALL BODY TYPES.
I’m not trying to make this look easy, or give you a step by step guide to body acceptance. I’m still on my journey, but I thought I’d share what I started doing in my life that has helped me tremendously:
1. I threw away the scale and I broke up with numbers.
2. I stopped waiting to lose weight before I experienced things.
3. I started trying new things that pushed me out of my comfort zone (like two piece swimsuits, for example)
4. I changed the way I spoke/thought/felt about others. If I saw a girl in booty shorts, instead of scoffing or eye rolling - I took that bad energy and flipped it. Now I find myself saying “get it girl” and cheering her on... no matter what her body looks like!
5. I started speaking to myself like I would speak to my daughter.
6. I stopped criticizing myself when I looked in the mirror. No more “ugh I look rough today comments” - even if it’s true. Who cares, rough is beautiful too.
7. I forced myself to let people take candid photos of me.
8. I used to hate candids because they weren’t “flattering” - but I forced myself to look at those photos and accept that it’s probably what I look like in the moment and that’s completely fine and beautiful.