Stuck in a RUT? A FUNK? A BAD MOOD? This happens to me ALL of the time. Especially since starting my own business, I find it happens more often. It can sometimes be hard to stay motivated when I'm the one in charge.  

Here's what I do to snap out of it!

1. TURN EVERYTHING OFF - literally. Turn off your phone, computer, and lights. Lie down on your bed or couch. Sometimes I do this for 10 minutes, sometimes an hour. It's like a nap for your soul.

2. GET OUTSIDE - this is the best and quickest way to get out of a funk. Getting a breath of fresh air can do wonders for your mood. 

3. GO ON A WALK - get the blood flowing, go on a walk and get lost in your thoughts. This is so therapeutic. Get a game plan for what you're going to do once you get home from your walk. Maybe you'll start dinner, do a mask on your face, paint your nails, or make that dreaded to-do list!

4. GET COFFEE WITH A FRIEND - if you're like me, then you're inspired and motivated a lot by others. Any time I get together with a mom boss or other women who are also trying to make a name for themselves, I leave so inspired and ready to take on the world. 

5. MAKE A LIST - a lot of times, my "funk" can be caused by anxiety that is caused by an endless to-do list that I haven't made yet. Make a freaking list. It helps. 

6. EXERCISE - Figure out a way to exercise! Endorphins are EVERYTHING. Join a gym that has community classes. I find it very boring and lonely to go to the gym and workout alone. But if I go to an actual class with other people who have the same goal, I get so motivated. Start building this into your daily routine.

7. CALL YOUR MOM - or your best friend, dad, a relative, anyone. Call for no reason. Just chat. 

8. GET IN THE KITCHEN - I find cooking or baking really relaxing. It requires you to shut everything else out for a moment, because you have to focus on a recipe. Turn some music on, pour your favorite beverage, and cook the blues away! BONUS: it's almost immediately rewarding, as you see your hard work as soon as you're done. 


This top and pants were gifted to me from Athleta and I absolutely love the quality! I was shocked at how well they fit and I am a new LOVER of this brand! They go all the way up to 2x in most styles, as well as petite and tall! I've linked these exact items plus other styles below I think you'd love.
