YOU ARE ENOUGH // #this_is_postpartum

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#this_is_postpartum Hey, you. I know what it feels like to look in the mirror and feel disgusted, worthless, broken. To cry for no reason. To feel too proud to ask for help. To have unexplainable feelings of hopelessness, anger, and resentment. To have all of your expectations of what you think motherhood is going to be like ripped apart.
All of these experiences we go through... they DO make us stronger. But why doesn’t it feel that way? Why isn’t it celebrated?

Why can’t we glamorize ALL body types and all seasons of life? What is this insane pressure we feel to make everything perfect?

I grew up with no one in the media who looked like me, in a society where no one talks openly about depression and anxiety.

Today, I’m sharing this for the teenage girl who punishes herself with diets and exercise because she doesn’t look like what she sees on TV.
Today, I share this for the mama who is putting so much pressure on herself to “snap back” to her pre-baby weight.
I’m sharing this for the plus size women, mamas and mama’s to be who have always been greatly underrepresented in the media.

And for the person who thinks they might need help but is afraid to admit it... this is for you. I’ve been you, and I’m here to tell you it’s okay.

I’m sharing this for YOU, no matter your gender, size, shape, or race.
The good, the bad, the ugly... this is us.
This is about finding the beauty in everything around you, your children, your life, and the journey. Getting the help you need even if you don’t think you do. I’m here for you. We’re all here for you.

You. Are. Enough.
This is postpartum, and so is this: @sidelinesocialite