The Truth About Anti-Diet

Spread the word. 🙌🏼
Anti-diet does not mean “eat all the things.”
Anti-diet does not mean “quit exercising.”
It’s NORMAL for all of us to have the desire to lose weight.

We’ve been taught that something is wrong with our bodies (no matter what size you are). We’ve been taught not to trust our bodies... that we have to follow a rigid plan to feel good and be happy.

We’ve been taught that in order to be deemed “beautiful” we must look a certain way.

And diet culture has been fooling us for far too long. (How much money have you spent on diets that the moment you stopped, you gained it all back? Probably $8-10k in my lifetime and I’m only 33). The wellness/diet industry has definitely been getting to you guys lately, because never have I ever had so many messages/comments about suddenly mis-trusting this movement. I know it’s a tricky subject to navigate, but obviously I am passionate about this so I hope this is helpful.

This is our year for compassion. Let’s work on healing and getting closer to being at peace with food. It’s fascinating how big of a difference intuitive eating has made for me in only two months. Instead of not eating for days and then bingeing, I’m eating all meals when my kids eat (at this point I’m just focused on the fact that it’s food and I’ve had to throw all nutritional worries out the window) and my energy and mood is better, plus I haven’t had the desire to binge.