#lovewhatyagot // What Self Care Means to Me Now

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I LOVE having depression and anxiety - says no one ever.

It’s taken me a really long time to realize that I even had anxiety & depression, and I truly feel that part of that is due to the stigma around mental health.

Do you know how many people in real life *gasp* when I tell them last year was hard for me? That I was deep in the throes of postpartum anxiety, depression, and several other things that have been untreated most of my life? I’ve been open about it for awhile now but for most, it’s still something to be ashamed of.

It wasn’t until recently that I truly have a grasp on what it means to take care of myself. To really embody this idea of “self care.” It’s not restricting my diet. It’s not working out every day. It’s not getting a massage, or getting my nails done, or keeping up with my hair.

For me currently: self-care shows itself when I dig deep to find the joy in cooking food for my family. It pops up every morning when I choose to take my meds because I *know* that I need them. Making it a point to reach out to my husband and loved ones throughout the day is a biggie. When I turn everything off in the afternoons and just play with my kids. Hiring help recently... that’s a huge form of self-care for me, realizing that it’s okay to need help and to not try and do it all on my own. Saving space for myself each day and protect my energy from anyone or anything that may threaten it... these are the things that truly fill me up and enable me to be the best version of ME right now.

I have mental health issues and that’s okay. I can love those parts of me too.

#lovewhatyagot - and treat yourself to something special this Valentine’s Day 🖤