LETTING GO + ppa/ppd

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LETTING GO // Part 2 of my story ✨ this photo was taken at the beginning of 2018. After 2 years of my daughter being alive and thriving, I finally started to feel like myself again. I came out of the fog, so to speak, and realized I’d been suffering from postpartum anxiety (triggered by both hormones and trauma) the entire time since she’d been born. When I look at this photo, I’m reminded of all the hardship we went through. It took a lot of work but we got through it and made it to the other side. This picture signifies me, letting go of it all and moving forward.
Motherhood is hard. It’s okay to ask for help and it’s okay to be medicated. I wish I’d known the right signs of these things while I was going through it - instead I suffered in silence and kept marching on - like most of us “strong mamas” do - but in turn, caused myself many physical health problems due to stress and anxiety.
Postpartum isn’t always feeling sad, crying, or wanting to hurt your baby. It shows itself in so many other forms, and I’m sharing this today for all the new mamas out there. Talk to someone, anyone, if you don’t feel right. #worldmentalhealthday #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness