I'm Tired // Body Acceptance Journey

I’m tired. Tired of not feeling good enough because my body looks so vastly different from so many other bodies I see.

Tired of letting my body size depict my worth and value.

Tired of the messages I know I’m going to get offering weight loss solutions as soon as I hit publish on this post.

I know I’ve shared this photo before, but it reminds me that I am strong. I am worthy. I am enough.

I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I’ve been feeling discouraged about the way my clothes fit lately. I’m trying so hard to work on my mental health and not let it bother me that my current medication has made me gain weight.

I know I’m not alone in this because my inbox is full of similar messages asking for help. On a day like today, all I can do is tell you this.

I’m trying. I really am. Thanks for letting me be 100% honest with you. Thanks for letting me know I’m not the only one going through these emotions.
I’m not here to give you the answers to your own healing journey. I’m here to share mine, so you know you’re not alone. And I just hope that through my sharing, maybe you’ll be able to find some healing too.

Wherever you are in your own journey to body acceptance right now, I’m sending you big hugs - we got this. 🖤