Mental Health Update

Mental health update: I’m sharing this publicly because it’s important that we
break the mental health stigma.
After a month long bout of deep depression, having no desire to eat, and other things... I am honestly feeling amazing this week. I have changed nothing about my meds yet, which by the way... it’s because of YOU that I was able to find a psychiatrist who takes my insurance with an opening in a couple of weeks. So thank you!
But yeah, this week so far I have felt so happy. I’ve woken up in the best mood and I’ve been cleaning the house and handling work like a champ. I’ve got my appetite back and I’m cooking again.
This inconsistency, the “good times” and these mood changes are what kept me from getting help for SO long. I wish I would have gotten help sooner.
What getting help currently looks like for me: semi-regular therapy appointments since April. Seeing a new psychiatrist in two weeks to adjust medication and treat my ongoing PPD/PPA/PTSD. Tackling my relationship with diet culture. Whether you’re struggling out there on this Tuesday, or not... I’m here for you! 🖤 #mentalhealthawareness #whatimwearingwhen I am feeeeelin good and had a morning full of self care!