My Skincare Favorites // Abbigayle

Ever since Ashley and I started my page @what_abbigayle_does one of my most commonly asked questions has been about my skincare routine. If I could use one word to describe my skincare philosophy it’s SIMPLE.

Like many people, I slathered my face in proactiv and every other horrifically harsh topical acne product for most of my young adulthood, and up until my 23rd birthday, I dealt with acne on and off. I am lucky to say my skin has been clear for the past year and a half, and I am finally happy with my skincare routine.

Below, I’ve compiled some of my favorite products that help me feel my best and keep my skin happy.

*Click on product names or images to link to the product!

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CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser - CeraVe is my go to skincare brand. All of their products are simple, gentle, and dermatologist recommended. They also have a range of products, so whether you are oily, dry, or somewhere in between, they’ll have something for you. I have oily skin, so this is the one I like to use.

I usually just do a quick clean in the morning to wash away any oil and sweat from the night.

Herbalism Face Wash

I use this from time to time, and it’s one of my all-time fave Lush products. It helps balance my skin’s oil production and it makes me smell like I just walked out of a fresh spring garden. It also has has kaolin clay and rice bran to gently exfoliate your skin.

CeraVe Facial Moisturizer with Broad Spectrum SPF30

My biggest tip for skincare - wear sunscreen Every. Single. Day. Even if you are inside all day, windows let in UV rays that can still affect both the aging and health of your skin. You’re not only protecting your skin from premature aging by wearing sunscreen, you are also protecting yourself from developing skin cancer!! So lather up that face, neck, and hands, girl!

I put this on every day no matter what I’m doing:

Banana Boat Dry Balance Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 50

On those days where I’ll be getting a little more sun, or if I’m going sleeveless, I like to use something a little stronger:

Growing up, I never really wore sunscreen. But when I started getting tattoos and wanted to protect them from sun damage, I developed the habit of applying sunscreen to all of my exposed skin. When i found this sunscreen, it was a GAME CHANGER. It dries matte, but it also doesn’t dry out your skin. The biggest sunscreen haters I know have fallen in love with it, and I would seriously buy stock in this specific product if that were a thing.

DermaE Vitamin C Bright Eyes Hydro Gel Patches

These eye patches are incredible. I’m not the biggest fan of single use skincare products like wipes, pads, and sheet masks. I feel very strongly about sustainability and cutting down on the amount of packaging I consume, and that’s one of the reasons I love this product. They feel incredible and cooling on your skin, and they come in a tub of 60, so you can use the product you love and save a little plastic in the process! I use these when I’m extra tired or just feeling like my face could use a bit of a pick-me-up.


The first step of my evening routine is to double cleanse with my CeraVe Cleanser. If you’ve never heard of double cleansing (I hadn’t up until a year ago) it literally just means to cleanse and dry your face twice. This helps to make sure all the dirt and debris from the day gets washed away!

Next, I’ll go in with a toner:

These days, I use the Pixi Glow Tonic. It’s a Glycolic Acid chemical exfoliant, so if you have active breakouts or broken skin anywhere on your face, you’ll want to use something gentler. I just like how it feels on my face, and my face is definitely more “glowy” the next day!

Quick Tip: I like to make the most of my product by pouring a little toner into my hands, then patting it onto my skin. This way, your product isn’t getting soaked up into a cotton pad!

Here is a gentler product I like that works similarly to deep clean your pores:

Simple Micellar Cleansing Water

If I have any dark spots, scars, or just want to give my skin a little extra TLC I like to use Rose Hip Oil. You can get it at any grocery store or pharmacy (near the vitamins), or at supplement stores like GNC, and a lot of popular brands sell blends that include the oil, but I found one that looks legit from Target:

Olivia Care 100% Cold Pressed Rose Hip Oil

I love the medicinal/apothecary-like smell, and it’s great for scarring or discoloration anywhere on your body. The best part is it’s noncomedogenic, so even the most acne prone skin can benefit from it’s healing properties!

Last but not least:

CeraVe Daily Moisturizer