Body Positive Daughters

“Mommy, why does your belly button look like that?”
“Mine is different than yours because that’s just how my body looks. And guess what? I love it so much!”
She beamed back at me and said, “Oh yay mommy! I love mine too!” 👏🏻
And that’s when it hit me. If we want to raise kids to love their bodies instead of hate them, we have to lead by example.
What she doesn’t know is that my belly button has haunted me my entire life. It never looked like any of my friends growing up. I always blamed it on being fat and punished myself for not looking “normal.” So, do I really love it now? Nah. But I don’t hate it, which is major progress.

So if it takes me pretending that I love that part of my body for her to learn body acceptance, then so be it! And you never know, it might work on me too.