House of Dorough

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Some Thoughts on Friendship

The other day E asked me who my best friend was, and I said “your daddy!” - she wasn’t happy with my answer, whoops 😂😂😂❄️ We’re parents now, but we’re still the same people we were 10 years ago.
So here’s the deal: I’m not sure why this is something no one talks about, but I can’t be the only one who feels this way.

Not that I expect every single one of my friends to be super invested in my kids, but for those of them who are... THANK YOU. For taking the time to read a book to my toddler, or grabbing my baby from the highchair because she’s screaming, or for just sending me a weekly text to see how we’re doing.
Because it truly does take a village and that’s OKAY.

I’m 33 now, running a full time business, raising 2 girls full time (with some help from babysitters and morning school), trying to manage a household, while also trying my best to keep up my life partnership with my best friend. I just don’t have the mental space for friends who aren’t actively interested in being a part of our lives, and trust me - coming from the ultimate ex-people pleaser... you shouldn’t either!

These friends don’t have to also have kids. We are still the same people we were before we procreated, and our children are an extension of us.

Anyway, Wes and I had the best Saturday after a crazy week... mostly because we spent the morning and afternoon with friends who treat our kids as family, and it occurred to me tonight what a small but meaningful blessing that can be in life. Thankful is an understatement.

By the way, If you have a mom friend who you’re maybe nervous to reach out to because you’re not a mom... don’t be.
They need you now more than ever. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤